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Foreign education in Nursing - Application for recognition


Please also refer to the information on the recognition procedure for nursing specialists (Pflegefachmann/-frau/-person) provided on the homepage of the Bavarian State Office for Nursing/Bayerisches Landesamt für Pflege.

Information on data protection

The Bavarian Form Server is provided bei the IT Service Center (IT-DLZ) of the State of Bavaria. Once you complete and submit this form, the IT-DLZ receives all contained data and redirects it to the authority having professional and local jurisdiction (e.g. municipality, district office, government) for further processing.

For general information about the processing of your data by the IT-DLZ, as well as your rights regarding data processing by the IT-DLZ, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the IT-DLZ website.

For general information about the processing of your data by the authority having professional and local jurisdiction, as well as your rights regarding data processing, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the website of the authority having professional and local jurisdiction. If needed, you can obtain further information there from your responsible clerk.

Click Start to complete the form online step by step.

You can then submit your request online. You will receive further information after filling in the form.

You will receive a completed document as a PDF document for your records.

Continue process

You can continue the following form with previously saved information. Click on Select file to upload and search for the file with the relevant form data on your computer.

You have the following option(s):
Use an .html file that you previously saved when pausing the form on your computer.

Then click Start.